How to Enrol

Click here to download our Enrolment Form.

Click here to download our Classes Description.

For further information email or phone 9467 6305

Everyone, including committee members, volunteer helpers, students and teachers, is required to complete an enrolment registration form for statistical and insurance purposes. This registration covers the person for the current Contact year.

  • Classes are held on Tuesday and Wednesday 9:45 am to 11:45 am and 12:15 pm to 2:15 pm and on Thursday morning 9:45 am to 11:45 am.
  • A maximum of 10 students is allowed per class. However, this number may be reduced by individual teachers but never above 10. Exceptions to this are classes that do not require hands on, i.e., cooking demonstrations, tai chi, yoga, first aid.
  • All fees are paid direct to the teacher either on a weekly or course basis. The $10 deposit paid on enrolment is deducted from the course fees but is not refundable in the event of non-attendance. The class fees must be paid in full, by the third week of each term. Exceptions to this must be arranged between teacher and student.
  • All materials are purchased separately.
  • In the event of a class being full, prospective students’ names are placed on the waiting list.
  • Student details are recorded by class teacher and attendance noted in a register.
  • All class positions are declared vacant at the end of the year, carryover memberships are not permitted.
  • All classes must commence and finish on time and all waste, cups and equipment cleared at the end of each session.
  • Afternoon classes must finish promptly at 2:15 pm to allow for cleaning and vacating of the hall by 2:30 pm.
  • Enrolments are available throughout the year, depending on class vacancies.